
Monday 16 April 2012

Nopal Cactus Juice - Its Amazing Healing

Cactus juice – a natural solution to inflammation!

Why is it important to control inflammation?

Inflammation can lead to chronic pain and serious disease.
What is inflammation? Inflammation is your immune system’s response to damage.
This damage can be caused by trauma (injury), bacterial, viral or parasitic infection, stress, genetic abnormalities, metabolic disorders, etc. Inflammation can also be brought on by, poor diet, stress, being overweight, or smoking. Inflammation can cause redness, swelling, heat, pain and loss of function of the effected area.

When you are injured, the inflammatory response immediately moves into action.
White blood cells rush to the damaged area and begin to destroy the damaged cells, while at the same time sending out chemical signals to call for more help.

This causes free radicals, to be released. Free radicals start to attack the damaged area, destroying some of the healthy cells in the process.

The new damage leads to another round of inflammation, and on it goes.
This cycle of inflammation is called chronic inflammation. That’s when you’re really in trouble. It is said that chronic inflammation is at epidemic levels! Inflammation may be silently burning inside of your body right now! For that nopal cactus juice can help to overcome this difficulty.

In time, this damage can affect your overall health. That’s why it is said that inflammation can lead to major diseases. The word Inflame, means to set on fire.

Very descriptive, wouldn’t you say?

Betalains are a special kind of antioxidant. That means that they fight toxins (harmful things in our body) and put out the flame of chronic inflammation.

Only Nopal cactus fruit has all of the 24 betalains known to man. This cactus lives in the harsh environment of the Sonoran desert. The large number of betalains allow it to survive the extreme heat of the desert. These same betalains will put out the fires of chronic inflammation burning within you.

In 2004, Time Magazine published a story about inflammation and its destructive effect on the body. Medical science has found more and more connection between chronic inflammation and crippling diseases. Since the Nopal cactus is the only plant that contains all 24 betalains, it stands to reason that you should be drinking this juice, just as the natives of the area have done for centuries.

Know more: nopal cactus juice

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