
Friday, 24 June 2011

Original Limu Or Limu Plus – Recuperating On The Ideal Nutritional Product

Limu – sounds mysterious, like an animal or bird perhaps. Not exactly – rapidly becoming known as a “Super Food”, Limu isn’t a juice or a fruit. Extracted from Tongan seaweed they call limu moui, Fucoidan is the primary ingredient in original limu or limu plus. In both there are no artificial sweeteners, no sugars, and no artificial flavors or colors.

The excitement here is over fucoidan which is a marine bioactive present primarily in a number of species of seaweed, especially the brown species. Limu products is rich in fucoidan and is found in great supply off the coasts of Tonga. In fact, the Tongan people have taken advantage of the health and rejuvenation benefits of this supplement for more than 3 millennia. Containing more than 70 essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and antioxidants, fucoidan is to these people a medicinal essential.

Fucoidan in Modern Science – Over 600 scientific studies have focused on fucoidan in recent history. This research has proven that derivatives of Limu moui have positive health effects, such as Laminarin which has anticoagulant properties, and Alginate, which absorbs radioactive elements, free radicals, and heavy metals in the body. In addition, fucoidan itself causes certain cancer cells to digest themselves, killing them.

Fucoidan Health Benefits – Fucoidon can aid in protecting the body against thyroid and other cancers. It also strengthens hair and nails, causing them to grow faster, kicks up the immune system, aids gastrointestinal function, improves digestion, helps weight loss, and can filter strontium and cadmium from the body of an ex-smoker.

This Super Food comes in a tasty supplement as Original Limu products. It takes just one to four ounces of this powerful supplement, taken twice daily, to have you feeling great and looking radiant. We’ll review the difference in what Limu Plus has to offer over Limu Original.

Improving a product that seems to be already perfect is a challenge at best. For a nutritional supplement, the best thing you could do is to increase its bioavailability. This is how fast and how much of the supplement is absorbed by the body. Limu Plus has addressed this issue with a few new ingredients.

Aloe vera, a short-leafed succulent plant, is an excellent vehicle for conducting elements through the digestive tract. As a matter of fact, it is the most effective substance known to amplify bioavailability of water and fat soluble vitamins. Limu Plus has added aloe vera to speed absorption and increase availability of its essential ingredients. In addition, Limu Plus has boosted its antioxidants with green and Taheebo teas.

A special balance of Russian Adaptogens have been infused into Limu Plus. These Adaptogens uniquely affect Cortisol, which allows the body to manage stress better. These Adaptogens are also though to have brought the Russian Olympic athletes to their highest goals.

Gathered by hand, Limu is a “green” product. Limu Moui plants are hand chosen for their quality, and care is taken to protect the Tongan ecosystem. Adaptogens are created from plants as well – these plants are selectively harvested at the height of their growing period, ensuring high potency.

1 comment:

  1. The LIMU Company is America’s Market Leader in providing a Liquid Nutritional Seaweed Supplement and we are proud Independent Promoters of The LIMU Company.

    Limu nutritional supplement
